Momentum / Impact mechanics

Decided i wanted some physics in my game, without actually using a physics engine (to keep it from getting ”floaty”). Made a function to handle 2 entities slamming into eachother, calculating the speed and direction in x-coordinates after impact and outputting a timer for both objects to be in the ”pushed” state and then make an easing equation for moving them.


///scr_entity_collision(mass_a, spd_a, obj_a, mass_b, spd_b, obj_b)

//Handle collisions between objects
//Should be run after collision is checked in movement-states for each interacting entity
//Input movement should be gathered during step, before new collision movespeed resolves.

//GET input args
mass_a =argument0;
spd_a =argument1;
obj_a =argument2;
mass_b =argument3;
spd_b =argument4;
obj_b =argument5;

//Set time-variable t to be local only

//Calculate impact impulse on collision between object a and b

//Object A
// Formula is: obj_a_exit_velocity = ((obj_a_mass-obj_b_mass)/(obj_a_mass+obj_b_mass)*obj_a_initial_velocity)+((obj_a_mass-obj_b_mass)/(obj_a_mass+obj_b_mass)*obj_b_initial_velocity)
obj_a_exit_speed = ((mass_a-mass_b)/(mass_a+mass_b)*spd_a)+((mass_a-mass_b)/(mass_a+mass_b)*spd_b);

//Object B
// Formula is: obj_b_exit_velocity = ((2*obj_a_mass)/(obj_a_mass+obj_b_mass)*obj_a_initial_velocity)-((obj_a_mass-obj_b_mass)/(obj_a_mass+obj_b_mass))
obj_b_exit_speed = ((2*mass_a)/(mass_a+mass_b)*spd_a)-((mass_a-mass_b)/(mass_a+mass_b));

//Apply 10% elasticity reduction per time unit to forces, if needed

//Calculate time for easing function to stop

//Calculate magnitude of hit as percentage of max runspeed, for screenshake or something i guess
obj_a_magnitude = obj_a_exit_speed / 15 ;
obj_b_magnitude = obj_b_exit_speed / 15 ;

//Calculate distance moved
//Dont forget to add a timer for each exit-object that checks if the other object (a/b) has reached max, if it has, AND current one does, reset timer, otherwise if max timer is hit, just switch state

//Calculate exit speedfunction and duration for A and B, apply to arrays
//Easing functions requires timer to increase coll_t_passed for each frame, and the state to end when col_t_passed = col_t_max

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